Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - August 16, 2009

Another week during August recess, but with changes to the Georgia Supreme Court:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For safety and wisdom for the President and his staff as the President continues to travel the country holding town hall meetings regarding healthcare reform and answering questions.
  • For strength for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she returned from her trip to Africa on Friday.
  • For the continuing efforts on education, including additional new funding for charter schools.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Defense, which provides the military forces to protect our country. Pray for the more than two million active and civilian employees of the Department and its Secretary, Robert Gates.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House and Senate as the August recess continues. Many are holding town hall meetings in person and by phone during this month.
  • For the tenor of the debate regarding healthcare reform. Allegations continue to swirl regarding what is in various proposals, and much misinformation has circulated.
  • For staff members to get sufficient rest and recovery during the August recess.
  • Continue to pray for newly-sworn in Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Pray as she hires law clerks, establishes her chambers, and prepares for her first argument at the Court.
State Government Officials
  • For the newest Justice on the Georgia Supreme Court, David Nahmias. Justice Nahmias was appointed by the Governor on Friday and must transition from his role as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia to establishing his chambers.
  • For wisdom as the state continues to deal with drops in revenue.
  • For the Georgia Department of Community Health, which administers many programs for under- and uninsured. Pray for its employees and its Commissioner, Dr. Rhonda Meadows.
National Requests
  • As the nation remembers the anniversary of Woodstock, that people would turn to the Lord as their source of life instead of the emptiness of the world’s ways.
  • For the nation’s economy. A number of indicators this week seem to show that the recession is ending. Pray for continued growth and recovery.
Thought for the Week
"A danger sign of the lapse from true skepticism in to dogmatism is an inability to respect those who disagree.” - Dr. Leonard George

Weekly Prayer Requests - August 9, 2009

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his staff as the debate over health care reform moves forward. During the August recess, much work remains to be done to figure out details and determine the best course of action.
  • For the President to spend quality time with his wife and daughters during the slower month of August in Washington. Sasha and Malia return to school on Sept. 8.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Commerce, which among other tasks, administers the Census, which is already well underway. Pray for the 38,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Gary Locke.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House and Senate as they have begun their traditional August recess. Although usually termed “vacation,” the month means lots of town hall meetings, time with constituents, and attending events. Pray for rest after the stress of a DC summer.
  • For calm, thoughtful discussion at town hall meetings throughout this month. Several have already become raucous and at least one has turned violent.
  • For newly-sworn in Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Pray as she hires law clerks, establishes her chambers, and prepares for her first argument on September 8.
State Government Officials
  • For the Governor as he prepares to make his selection for the new Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. Interviews should be complete and an announcement should come soon.
  • For the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, which distributes grant funds and economic development funds to local government. Pray for its employees, particularly those administering the economic stimulus programs, and the Commissioner, Mike Beatty.
National Requests
  • For the families of those killed in the mid-air collision in New York.
  • For those in Iran being paraded in show trials after the unrest following the election. Efforts continue to suppress protests.
  • Praise that two American journalists held in North Korea were freed.
Thought for the Week
"Politics, noun. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage." - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 26, 2009

This week's requests come as Congress moves quickly toward its traditional August recess and the debate over healthcare heats up. This week's requests:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his staff as they continue to deal with the challenges of the office. The President continues to fight for health insurance reform before the end of the year.
  • For wisdom as intelligence agency officials continue to work through challenges. A CIA program was revealed this week with implications for national security.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for assuring food safety, assisting farmer and ranchers, and growing rural communities. Pray for the 100,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Tom Vilsack.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they consider appropriations bills for the Department of Defense, legislation related to corporate bonuses, and possibly a healthcare reform bill.
  • For members of the Senate as they vote on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court and continue consideration of appropriations legislation.
  • For the continued debate within the leadership circles regarding healthcare reform legislation. Negotiations broke down this week between members of the Energy and Commerce Committee and may move to the floor.
State Government Officials
  • For the Governor and the new team of leaders to deal with the judge’s ruling on water. Georgia Power CEO Mike Garrett will head the effort.
  • For the continuing campaign for Governor. Less than a year remains until the primary.
  • For the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which investigates and assists the criminal justice community in the state. The GBI also operates the state’s crime lab. Pray for its agents and employees, and the Director, Vernon Keenan.
National Requests
  • For wisdom in continued development of a vaccine for the H1N1 flu virus and protection for those with it.
  • For protection for the men and women serving our nation in foreign theaters. Troops remained posted all around the world in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan. Pray also for support operations.
Thought for the Week
“All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field.” - Albert Einstein

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 19, 2009

Here are the weekly requests for what promises to be a busy week in Washington.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President as he continues to try to advance healthcare reform legislation prior to the Congressional August recess.
  • For time together for the President and his family.
  • For West Wing staff as the pressures of the office settle in. News reports this week indicated that many staffers are very fatigued and spending little time at home due to the pressures.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which is responsible for administering benefit programs for veterans. Pray for the 235,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, General Eric Shinseki.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they consider appropriations legislation for transportation, education, and health and human services. House leaders may also consider a version of the Defense Authorization bill.
  • For members of the Senate as they finalize consideration of the Defense Authorization legislation. Votes may also happen this week on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
  • For the continued consideration of the Defense Authorization legislation. President Obama has promised to veto the bill over F-22 funding, in spite of the addition of Hate Crimes legislation.
State Government Officials
  • For the Governor and officials as they deal with the results of the judge’s ruling on water Friday. The order may put a severe burden on Atlanta if a Congressional solution can’t be worked out within the next three years.
  • For state employees who continue to be furloughed without pay to save state funds.
  • For the Georgia Building Authority, which oversees, manages, and maintains properties owned by the state. Pray for its employees, and the State Property Officer, Steve Stancil.
National Requests
  • For authorities in Indonesia as they investigate the hotel terrorist attacks.
  • For the family of Walter Cronkite as they deal with his death.
  • For safety for the 13 astronauts in space on the International Space Station. The Space Shuttle launched successfully last week after five attempts.
Thought for the Week

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.” - William E. Simon

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 12, 2009

Here are the prayer requests for what promises to be a busy week in DC with Judge Sotomayor's confirmation hearings beginning:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his family as they return and recover from meetings in Russia, Italy, and Ghana. The entire family was able to travel together on the trip.
  • For the results of last week’s G-8 summit and the continuing efforts to stem the global financial crisis.
  • For wisdom for the White House team shepherding the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Treasury, which is tasked with ensuring the soundness and security of the U.S. and international financial systems. Pray for the 100,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Tim Geithner.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they consider a number of appropriations bills this week. The nation’s fiscal year begins in just a few months, on October 1..
  • For members of the Senate as they also work on appropriations bills. Staff and Senators are also working on climate change legislation and healthcare reform legislation before the August recess.
  • For members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as they begin hearings on Judge Sonia Sotomayor tomorrow. Pray for a spirit of camaraderie and peace in the committee room, for thoughtful questions, and wise analysis by all involved.
State Government Officials
  • For the many candidates in the race for Governor. They reported their first half fundraising last week, and the economic conditions have made that process even more difficult than usual.
  • For the family of Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, as they welcomed a new child to their family last week. Pray for Jake and his mom.
  • For the Department of Banking and Finance, which oversees Georgia banks and financial systems. Pray for its employees, and its Commissioner, Rob Braswell.
National Requests
  • For the two American journalists imprisoned in North Korea. Pray for wisdom in dealing with a hostile government and a quick release for the journalists.
  • For the children of Michael Jackson, Prince, Paris, and Blanket. Custody hearings continue as they deal with the very public loss of their father.
Thought for the Week

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.” - Ernest Benn

Friday, July 3, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 5, 2009

A few days early, here are this next week's prayer requests for leaders, as we prepare to celebrate the 233rd birthday of our nation!

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his staff as they navigate the difficult policy questions posed by the efforts to reform healthcare.
  • For wise decisions for the Departments of Defense and State in dealing with foreign threats.
  • Praise the President and his family are regularly worshiping at the Chapel at Camp David. Pray for the pastor, Lt. Carey Cash.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Transportation, which is tasked with developing the nation’s roads and coordinating safety for travel by air and sea . Pray for the 55,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Ray LaHood.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they return on Tuesday and consider a number of appropriations bills, plus authorization for the nation’s intelligence agencies.
  • For members of the Senate as they deal with more appropriations bills this week.
  • For members of Congress and their staffs as the next four weeks constitute some of the most intense of the year in Washington. Items pending that leadership wants to consider before the August recess include energy legislation, healthcare reform legislation, and preparing for hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Pray for wisdom and endurance.

State Government Officials
  • For the Governor and his counsel as they consider the nine names submitted by the JNC for the vacancy on the Georgia Supreme Court.
  • For the continued recovery of Lt. Governor Casey Cagle from back surgery.
  • For the reorganization of a number of human services departments in state government.
  • For the Department of Audits, which double-checks state agencies and their spending. Pray for its employees, and the State Auditor, Russ Hinton.

National Requests
  • For the state of California, which was forced to begin issuing IOUs this week because of lack of revenue. Pray for the Governor and legislature to reach a solution quickly.
  • Praise that apparently no one was injured in the partial collapse of a parking deck in Midtown Atlanta this week.

Thought for the Week

“Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.” - Richard Armour

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - June 28, 2009

Here are this week's prayer requests for our national leaders:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his staff as they prepare for an intensive time of negotiation on healthcare reform legislation.
  • For wise decisions as North Korea continues its threats to cause another incident over the July Fourth holiday.
  • For the First Lady and her many responsibilities.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of State, which is tasked with developing the implementing the nation’s foreign policy. The U.S. has diplomatic relations with approximately 180 countries. Pray for the 30,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Hillary Clinton.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House and Senate as they are on the traditional July Fourth recess. Both chambers will return next Monday, on July 6, and begin a very busy few weeks of legislating as they make the final push toward the August recess.
  • For the staff of the Architect of the Capitol’s offices. The Architect and his staff maintain the facilities of Congress and will often try to perform maintenance during times of Congressional recess like this week.
  • For rest for D.C. staff of members of Congress as they prepare for the busy July leading up to the August recess.

State Government Officials
  • For the Governor’s Judicial Nominating Commission, which meets to interview potential nominees to the vacant Georgia Supreme Court position tomorrow and Tuesday.
  • For the family of state Rep. Howard Maxwell, whose two-year-old grandson passed away this week.
  • For the Department of Natural Resources, which manages state resources and wildlife. Pray for its employees, the budgetary impact of cutbacks, and its newly-appointed Commissioner, Chris Clark.

National Requests
  • For the family of Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a professing Christian who confessed to an affair this week.
  • For so many people in our country who worship celebrity. This is brought into focus with the passing of Michael Jackson this week.
  • For the continued recovery of those injured, and the investigation into the crash of the DC Metro train.

Thought for the Week
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

These are the weekly requests for June 21, 2009:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President as he continues to lead the nation in discussions on issues such as his Friday town hall meeting on the importance of fatherhood.
  • For wise decisions on the part of State Department officials and the President as they deal with the challenges of the Iranian elections and continued protests.
  • For scheduling so the First Family can spend time together.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Labor, which is tasked with job training, preventing employment discrimination, and enforcing federal job protections. Pray for its 15,000 employees and its Secretary, Hilda Solis.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they continue considering appropriations bills, this week for the Department of Homeland Security and Interior, and Defense Authorization legislation.
  • For members of the Senate as they hold continued hearings on health care reform legislation and deal with the impeachment trial of a federal judge.
  • For the staff of the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan panel of experienced policy experts that provide research and information to members of Congress. Pray for wisdom and that they would give wise counsel to those relying on their research.

State Government Officials
  • For Judge Beverly Martin, a federal court judge in the Northern District of Georgia, who was nominated to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday.
  • For the family of Rep. Jerry Keen, the State House Majority Leader, whose mother passed away this last week.
  • For the Department of Community Health, which oversees the Georgia Medicaid program and assists in reaching needy populations with health services. Pray for its employees and Commissioner Dr. Rhonda Meadows.

National Requests
  • For the continued recovery for our national economy, especially those who are searching for jobs.
  • For safety for the people of Iran. The protests have continued in spite of statements by the Ayatollah, and many fear that the militia will crack down soon.

Thought for the Week

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” - Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

Here are this week's prayer requests.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • For the President as he completes his overseas trip and returns to the U.S. He continued his efforts in the Middle East.
  • For the President’s staff as the work on health care reform legislation begins in earnest. The goal is to have a bill passed by the beginning of August.
  • For the President’s relationship with his wife to stay strong.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of the Interior, which is tasked with protecting America’s natural resources, including research, conservation, and serving native communities. Pray for the more than 70,000 employees and its Secretary, Ken Salazar.

 U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the House as they finish consideration of the War Supplemental appropriations bill for funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • For members of the Senate as they deal with a variety of legislation this week, but continue their focus on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Her committee questionnaire was filed this week.
  • For the Legislative Assistants for members of Congress and Senators. “LAs” have responsibility for review of policy in particular areas. Members of Congress have   2-3, and Senators have 5-10. Pray for them to give wise counsel.

State Government Officials

  • For wisdom for continued cuts to state agency budgets. All agencies found out this week they have to reduce their June budgets by 25% to ensure the overall state budget remains balanced.
  • For the Governor’s Judicial Nominating Commission, a group of lawyers who must interview the 47 applicants who have been nominated for the vacant seat on the Georgia Supreme Court.
  • For the Insurance Commissioner, John Oxendine, whose department regulates all insurance companies in the state. 

National Requests

  • For the wife, children, and grandchildren of Dr. George Tiller, killed last Sunday. Pray also for the pro-life cause.
  • For the continued search for the wreckage of Air France Flight 447, and safety for those involved in the search on the high seas.

Thought for the Week

“Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did.” - C.S. Lewis



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This week's prayer requests are below.  After the preparation of these requests last night, news broke that former Congressman and Vice Presidential nominee Jack Kemp had died.  Please be in prayer for his family and former members of his staff during this difficult time.

 U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • For the President as he has completed his first 100 days in office and now must select a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice David Souter, who announced his retirement Friday.
  • For the President’s advisors as they work to set priorities. The President announced that the Freedom of Choice Act was not a priority for his administration.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Health and Human Services, which is tasked with protecting the health of Americans and administering Medicare. Pray for the more than 65,000 employees and its newly-confirmed Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius.

 U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the Senate as they consider legislation addressing the mortgage crisis.
  • For members of the House as they also consider legislation addressing the housing crisis and predatory lending.
  • For the staff of Senate Judiciary Committee as they deal with the uncertainty of adjusting to the new leadership on the minority side after Sen. Arlen Specter switched parties.
  • For the  Senate as it prepares to consider nominees for the Supreme Court sent by President Obama.  Nominees could include Georgia Chief Justice Leah Sears, and Solicitor General Elena Kagan.

 State Government Officials

  • For the continued recovery of Lt. Governor Casey Cagle after his surgery on Monday of last week.
  • For public health officials as they continue to address the potential H1N1 flu crisis in the state of Georgia.  There is only one confirmed case in Georgia so far.
  • For Governor Perdue and his staff as they continue to determine which bills to sign and veto within the 40-day window after the adjournment of the legislative session on April 3.  The Governor has already signed a number of bills, but has many more to consider.

National Requests

  • For the continued flu crisis and prevention of the further spread of the H1N1 flu.
  • For the release of bank “stress tests” conducted by the U.S. Treasury and the market impact this week.

Thought for the Week

 “Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.”  
--H.L. Mencken

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lt. Governor Cagle

Georgia Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle announced today he was dropping out of the race for Governor due to a degenerative spinal condition.  Although the condition can be corrected with surgery, the Lt. Governor decided it would be too challenging to run for Governor and continue that process.  The Lt. Governor was the decided frontrunner in the race prior to his announcement this afternoon.

Here are some prayer requests for the Lt. Governor during this time:
  • Pray for his physical healing, and that the surgery would completely correct his condition.
  • Pray for his wife and children as they watch their husband and father go through a difficult recovery process.
  • Pray for his staff as they must now transition roles with the change in the Lt. Governor's goals.
  • Pray for wisdom for his advisers as they determine what needs to be done to wind down the gubernatorial campaign.
  • Pray for the candidates that may consider getting into the race now, that they would be wise and make the right decision.
The Lt. Governor is facing an incredibly challenging time following what must have been a nearly impossible position as the frontrunner.  Let's continue to hold up our government leaders in their times of need.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

A little late posting this week’s requests – sorry about that!  Here they are:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  •  For great wisdom for President Obama and his staff as they focus on the nation’s healthcare system after the summit at the White House last week on healthcare.
  • For the First Lady, Malia, and Sasha as they continue to adjust to life in the White House. The First Daughters have a new swing set on the South Lawn.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Defense’s mission is to provide the military forces needed for our nation. Pray for the more than 2.4 million active duty and reserve soldiers and National Guard, DOD’s 700,000 civilian personnel, and its Secretary, Robert Gates.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the Senate, as they continue to deal with the bill to fund the government for the remainder of this fiscal year. Leaders are a few votes short and had to delay a planned vote from last week. Funding for the federal government runs out on Tuesday absent further action.
  • For members of the House, as they consider the updated Water Quality infrastructure legislation, possibly legislation giving DC a voting member of Congress, and consideration of any budget legislation passed by the Senate.
  • For endurance for Congressional staffers as this year’s session has stretched into the weekend several times already.

 State Government Officials

  • For members of the state House and Senate as the session continues. This week will be incredibly busy due to the deadline for bills to pass out of one house or the other by Thursday. Tuesday is day 28 of the 40-day session.
  • For the continued budget shortfalls, as state revenue fell 35% last month over a year prior. Legislators are facing cuts no prior legislature has had to face.
  • For the pressures of session on the spouses and families of legislators as the session increases in intensity as it nears its conclusion.

 National Requests

  •  For the continued security of our nation in the face of growing global threats.

 Thought for the Week

 “A politicized faith not only blurs our priorities, but weakens our loyalties. Our primary citizenship is not on earth but in heaven. . . . Though few evangelicals would deny this truth in theory, the language of our spiritual citizenship frequently gets wrapped in the red, white, and blue. Rather than acting as resident aliens of a heavenly kingdom, too often we sound like resident apologists for a Christian America.” - John Seel.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This week's requests come after the President's address last week and the continued discussions regarding the state of fiscal affairs for our country, particularly as Congress begins studying the President's budget proposal for the next fiscal year.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  •  For great wisdom for President Obama as he continues to deal with the challenges created by dealing with international entities. The President visited with the prime minister of Japan last week and already faces threats from North Korea and other rogue regimes.
  • For the First Lady, as she continues to be put in the spotlight.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Commerce promotes economic development and innovation, along with overseeing the Census.  Pray for the more than 38,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary-designate, Gary Locke.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the Senate, as they consider the omnibus spending legislation which includes large amounts of spending for the remainder of this fiscal year.
  • For members of the House, as they consider the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act and legislation to give a voting Member of Congress to the District of Columbia.
  • For members of the House and Senate as they begin consideration of the President’s budget for the next fiscal year, including projected cuts.
  • For the relationship between Speaker Pelosi and the President, which appears to be strained already.

 State Government Officials

  • For members of the state House and Senate as the session continues. Tuesday is day 25 of the 40-day legislative session.
  • For continued work on the state budget for the current fiscal year, which should move through the House this week, and the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1 as both Houses prepare.
  • For the House’s consideration of the transportation governance overhaul this week, along with the changes at the Department of Transportation due to the firing of the Commissioner on Thursday.

National Requests

  • For the continued economic challenges, and tough balancing of spending priorities for families and government entities

Thought for the Week

“To devote all, or even most, of our time, energy, money, and strategy to putting a facade of morality on the world of the appearance of ‘rightness’ over our governmental and political institutions is to badly misunderstand our roles as Christians in a spiritually lost world.” - A prominent evangelical leader.



Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This past week saw a number of new initiatives by our nation's leadership to address the continuing financial crisis, including new efforts at solving the house problems facting our country. The President also made his first foreign visit to Canada. Secretary of State Clinton embarked on an Asian trip, and Congress was in its week-long President's Day recess.

This coming week will involve a number of issues as Congress returns, and as the President gives an address to Congress on Tuesday evening.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • For President Obama, his staff, and family as they work to prepare the President’s address to Congress for Tuesday night.
  • For the executive branch agencies, their directors, and staff as many agencies begin the difficult process of implementing the stimulus bill according to the terms passed by Congress.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Agriculture oversees the nation’s policy on farming, agriculture and food, and plays a vital role in fostering trade and ensuring food safety. Pray for the more than 100,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Tom Vilsack
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the Senate, as they consider legislation this week to grant a voting Member of Congress to the District of Columbia and continue to work through confirmation of the President’s appointees.
  • For members of the House, as they consider an omnibus appropriations bill to fund the government through September 30 of this year and possibly the President’s home mortgage plan.
  • For Senator Ted Kennedy, his family, and his staff as his brain tumor appears to be worsening. Pray for healing, grace, and strength for everyone involved in this extremely difficult and challenging time.

 State Government Officials

  • For members of the state House and Senate as the session continues. Tuesday is day 24 of the 40-day legislative session.
  • For resolution to the state’s budget challenges as the Governor and others work to determine the amount of federal funding coming to Georgia as a result of the federal stimulus legislation.
  • For committees and staff as they analyze and amend the blizzard of bills including tax incentives, changes to power regulation, school vouchers, and transportation governance.

National Requests

  • For wise leadership in the banking system of the U.S. as challenges continue and nationalization is discussed.

Thought for the Week

 “Thou, O Lord and Master, hast given [our earthly rulers] the power of sovereignty . . . that we, knowing the glory and honour which Thou hast given them, may submit ourselves to them, in nothing resisting Thy will. Grant them therefore, O Lord, health, peace, concord, and stability, that they may without failure administer the government which Thou hast committed to them.” - Clement of Rome, in the wake of the persecutions ordered by Nero.



Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This has been a momentous week in the U.S. Congress, as the President's stimulus package was approved by both Houses of Congress and sent to the President for signature.  This also marks the first week of the paper distribution of prayer requests for government leaders.  Here are this week's prayer requests:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • That the President and Vice President would have the wisdom they need to govern the country.
  • That staff members in key positions in the Administration would give wise counsel to their superiors.
  • That the President and his family would be able to find a solid church in the DC area.
  • For the President’s daughters, Malia and Sasha, as they adjust to new surroundings and a new school.
  • For the First Lady, as she fills her role in addition to being a mom and supporting her husband.

 U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  •  For members of the House and Senate as they travel back to their districts and states for the President’s Day Recess this week.
  • For Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as they work to set the agenda for the remainder of the month of February.
  • For physical strength and recovery for members of Congress and staff members who are exhausted after a week of negotiations over the stimulus bill that often resulted in extremely long work hours.
  • For Senators as they prepare to continue the confirmation process for many of the President’s appointees.

 State Government Officials

  •  That the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees, Sen. Jack Hill and Rep. Ben Harbin, would be able to locate the funds necessary to balance the state’s budget.
  • For endurance and wisdom for state legislators during the 2009 session, which now could stretch into June.  There are 40 working days in a legislative session.
  • For the transportation funding issue in the state of Georgia, as Governor Perdue, Lt. Governor Cagle, and Speaker Richardson work to craft a compromise.

 National Requests

  •  That the national economic picture would improve.
  • For those who lost loved ones in the plane crash in New York on Thursday night.

Thought for the Week

 “Without ceasing, for all our emperors we offer prayer. We pray for life prolonged; for security to the empire; for protection to the imperial house; for brave armies, a faithful senate, a virtuous people, the world at rest, whatever, as man or Caesar, an emperor would wish.” - Early Church Father Tertullian (regarding an Emperor that was killing Christians).


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Prayer for Justice Ginsburg

According to news reports, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery today for pancreatic cancer.  Although the cancer was caught early, pancreatic cancer is a challenging disease.  Justice Ginsburg will remain in the hospital for 7-10 days while she recovers.

During her recovery, being praying for:
  • A quick and full recovery so she can return to the Court, which is on winter break, but resumes conferences on February 20.
  • For her husband, family, law clerks, and staff during her recovery.
  • That the doctors would wisely guide future treatment as she continues to address possible future cancers.
  • For the opinions she is currently assigned to write and the workload associated with her service to our nation on the Court.
  • For minimal pain as she recovers from what is very extensive surgery.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

Each week, the blog will highlight new prayer requests for government leaders in both Washington and Atlanta, based on current events.  During the week, additional requests may be added as the news changes.  Each week will also contain a "Thought for the Week" about how we should approach our government leaders.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • That the President and Vice President would have the wisdom they need to govern the country.
  • That staff members in key positions in the Administration would give wise counsel to their superiors.
  • That the President and his family would be able to find a solid church in the DC area.
  • For the President’s daughters, Malia and Sasha, as they adjust to new surroundings and a new school.
  • For the First Lady, as she begins to fill her role in addition to being a mom and supporting her husband.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  •  For members of the Senate as they consider the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which passed the House last week and the continued confirmation of a number of executive branch officials, including Attorney General-designate Eric Holder starting tomorrow.
  • For members of the House as they consider the reauthorization of the State Children's Health Insurance Program and a major omnibus budget bill this week.
  • For Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer as the House Democratic Caucus holds its annual issues retreat on Wednesday through Friday.

 State Government Officials

  •  That the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees, Sen. Jack Hill and Rep. Ben Harbin, would be able to locate the funds necessary to balance the state’s budget.
  • For endurance and wisdom for state legislators on day 11 of the 2009 session, which is tomorrow.  There are 40 working days in a legislative session.
  • For the transportation funding issue in the state of Georgia, as Governor Perdue, Lt. Governor Cagle, and Speaker Richardson work to craft a compromise.

 National Requests

  • That the national economic picture would improve.
  • For those who have lost jobs and their families as they search for work.

 Thought for the Week

 “Without ceasing, for all our emperors we offer prayer. We pray for life prolonged; for security to the empire; for protection to the imperial house; for brave armies, a faithful senate, a virtuous people, the world at rest, whatever, as man or Caesar, an emperor would wish.” - Early Church Father Tertullian (regarding an Emperor that was killing Christians).