Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This past week saw a number of new initiatives by our nation's leadership to address the continuing financial crisis, including new efforts at solving the house problems facting our country. The President also made his first foreign visit to Canada. Secretary of State Clinton embarked on an Asian trip, and Congress was in its week-long President's Day recess.

This coming week will involve a number of issues as Congress returns, and as the President gives an address to Congress on Tuesday evening.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • For President Obama, his staff, and family as they work to prepare the President’s address to Congress for Tuesday night.
  • For the executive branch agencies, their directors, and staff as many agencies begin the difficult process of implementing the stimulus bill according to the terms passed by Congress.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Agriculture oversees the nation’s policy on farming, agriculture and food, and plays a vital role in fostering trade and ensuring food safety. Pray for the more than 100,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Tom Vilsack
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the Senate, as they consider legislation this week to grant a voting Member of Congress to the District of Columbia and continue to work through confirmation of the President’s appointees.
  • For members of the House, as they consider an omnibus appropriations bill to fund the government through September 30 of this year and possibly the President’s home mortgage plan.
  • For Senator Ted Kennedy, his family, and his staff as his brain tumor appears to be worsening. Pray for healing, grace, and strength for everyone involved in this extremely difficult and challenging time.

 State Government Officials

  • For members of the state House and Senate as the session continues. Tuesday is day 24 of the 40-day legislative session.
  • For resolution to the state’s budget challenges as the Governor and others work to determine the amount of federal funding coming to Georgia as a result of the federal stimulus legislation.
  • For committees and staff as they analyze and amend the blizzard of bills including tax incentives, changes to power regulation, school vouchers, and transportation governance.

National Requests

  • For wise leadership in the banking system of the U.S. as challenges continue and nationalization is discussed.

Thought for the Week

 “Thou, O Lord and Master, hast given [our earthly rulers] the power of sovereignty . . . that we, knowing the glory and honour which Thou hast given them, may submit ourselves to them, in nothing resisting Thy will. Grant them therefore, O Lord, health, peace, concord, and stability, that they may without failure administer the government which Thou hast committed to them.” - Clement of Rome, in the wake of the persecutions ordered by Nero.