Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

This has been a momentous week in the U.S. Congress, as the President's stimulus package was approved by both Houses of Congress and sent to the President for signature.  This also marks the first week of the paper distribution of prayer requests for government leaders.  Here are this week's prayer requests:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • That the President and Vice President would have the wisdom they need to govern the country.
  • That staff members in key positions in the Administration would give wise counsel to their superiors.
  • That the President and his family would be able to find a solid church in the DC area.
  • For the President’s daughters, Malia and Sasha, as they adjust to new surroundings and a new school.
  • For the First Lady, as she fills her role in addition to being a mom and supporting her husband.

 U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  •  For members of the House and Senate as they travel back to their districts and states for the President’s Day Recess this week.
  • For Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as they work to set the agenda for the remainder of the month of February.
  • For physical strength and recovery for members of Congress and staff members who are exhausted after a week of negotiations over the stimulus bill that often resulted in extremely long work hours.
  • For Senators as they prepare to continue the confirmation process for many of the President’s appointees.

 State Government Officials

  •  That the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees, Sen. Jack Hill and Rep. Ben Harbin, would be able to locate the funds necessary to balance the state’s budget.
  • For endurance and wisdom for state legislators during the 2009 session, which now could stretch into June.  There are 40 working days in a legislative session.
  • For the transportation funding issue in the state of Georgia, as Governor Perdue, Lt. Governor Cagle, and Speaker Richardson work to craft a compromise.

 National Requests

  •  That the national economic picture would improve.
  • For those who lost loved ones in the plane crash in New York on Thursday night.

Thought for the Week

 “Without ceasing, for all our emperors we offer prayer. We pray for life prolonged; for security to the empire; for protection to the imperial house; for brave armies, a faithful senate, a virtuous people, the world at rest, whatever, as man or Caesar, an emperor would wish.” - Early Church Father Tertullian (regarding an Emperor that was killing Christians).