Thursday, February 5, 2009

Prayer for Justice Ginsburg

According to news reports, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg underwent surgery today for pancreatic cancer.  Although the cancer was caught early, pancreatic cancer is a challenging disease.  Justice Ginsburg will remain in the hospital for 7-10 days while she recovers.

During her recovery, being praying for:
  • A quick and full recovery so she can return to the Court, which is on winter break, but resumes conferences on February 20.
  • For her husband, family, law clerks, and staff during her recovery.
  • That the doctors would wisely guide future treatment as she continues to address possible future cancers.
  • For the opinions she is currently assigned to write and the workload associated with her service to our nation on the Court.
  • For minimal pain as she recovers from what is very extensive surgery.