Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 19, 2009

Here are the weekly requests for what promises to be a busy week in Washington.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President as he continues to try to advance healthcare reform legislation prior to the Congressional August recess.
  • For time together for the President and his family.
  • For West Wing staff as the pressures of the office settle in. News reports this week indicated that many staffers are very fatigued and spending little time at home due to the pressures.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which is responsible for administering benefit programs for veterans. Pray for the 235,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, General Eric Shinseki.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they consider appropriations legislation for transportation, education, and health and human services. House leaders may also consider a version of the Defense Authorization bill.
  • For members of the Senate as they finalize consideration of the Defense Authorization legislation. Votes may also happen this week on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.
  • For the continued consideration of the Defense Authorization legislation. President Obama has promised to veto the bill over F-22 funding, in spite of the addition of Hate Crimes legislation.
State Government Officials
  • For the Governor and officials as they deal with the results of the judge’s ruling on water Friday. The order may put a severe burden on Atlanta if a Congressional solution can’t be worked out within the next three years.
  • For state employees who continue to be furloughed without pay to save state funds.
  • For the Georgia Building Authority, which oversees, manages, and maintains properties owned by the state. Pray for its employees, and the State Property Officer, Steve Stancil.
National Requests
  • For authorities in Indonesia as they investigate the hotel terrorist attacks.
  • For the family of Walter Cronkite as they deal with his death.
  • For safety for the 13 astronauts in space on the International Space Station. The Space Shuttle launched successfully last week after five attempts.
Thought for the Week

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote.” - William E. Simon