Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - July 12, 2009

Here are the prayer requests for what promises to be a busy week in DC with Judge Sotomayor's confirmation hearings beginning:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his family as they return and recover from meetings in Russia, Italy, and Ghana. The entire family was able to travel together on the trip.
  • For the results of last week’s G-8 summit and the continuing efforts to stem the global financial crisis.
  • For wisdom for the White House team shepherding the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Treasury, which is tasked with ensuring the soundness and security of the U.S. and international financial systems. Pray for the 100,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Tim Geithner.
U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they consider a number of appropriations bills this week. The nation’s fiscal year begins in just a few months, on October 1..
  • For members of the Senate as they also work on appropriations bills. Staff and Senators are also working on climate change legislation and healthcare reform legislation before the August recess.
  • For members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as they begin hearings on Judge Sonia Sotomayor tomorrow. Pray for a spirit of camaraderie and peace in the committee room, for thoughtful questions, and wise analysis by all involved.
State Government Officials
  • For the many candidates in the race for Governor. They reported their first half fundraising last week, and the economic conditions have made that process even more difficult than usual.
  • For the family of Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, as they welcomed a new child to their family last week. Pray for Jake and his mom.
  • For the Department of Banking and Finance, which oversees Georgia banks and financial systems. Pray for its employees, and its Commissioner, Rob Braswell.
National Requests
  • For the two American journalists imprisoned in North Korea. Pray for wisdom in dealing with a hostile government and a quick release for the journalists.
  • For the children of Michael Jackson, Prince, Paris, and Blanket. Custody hearings continue as they deal with the very public loss of their father.
Thought for the Week

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.” - Ernest Benn