Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests - June 28, 2009

Here are this week's prayer requests for our national leaders:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President and his staff as they prepare for an intensive time of negotiation on healthcare reform legislation.
  • For wise decisions as North Korea continues its threats to cause another incident over the July Fourth holiday.
  • For the First Lady and her many responsibilities.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of State, which is tasked with developing the implementing the nation’s foreign policy. The U.S. has diplomatic relations with approximately 180 countries. Pray for the 30,000 employees of the Department and its Secretary, Hillary Clinton.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House and Senate as they are on the traditional July Fourth recess. Both chambers will return next Monday, on July 6, and begin a very busy few weeks of legislating as they make the final push toward the August recess.
  • For the staff of the Architect of the Capitol’s offices. The Architect and his staff maintain the facilities of Congress and will often try to perform maintenance during times of Congressional recess like this week.
  • For rest for D.C. staff of members of Congress as they prepare for the busy July leading up to the August recess.

State Government Officials
  • For the Governor’s Judicial Nominating Commission, which meets to interview potential nominees to the vacant Georgia Supreme Court position tomorrow and Tuesday.
  • For the family of state Rep. Howard Maxwell, whose two-year-old grandson passed away this week.
  • For the Department of Natural Resources, which manages state resources and wildlife. Pray for its employees, the budgetary impact of cutbacks, and its newly-appointed Commissioner, Chris Clark.

National Requests
  • For the family of Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a professing Christian who confessed to an affair this week.
  • For so many people in our country who worship celebrity. This is brought into focus with the passing of Michael Jackson this week.
  • For the continued recovery of those injured, and the investigation into the crash of the DC Metro train.

Thought for the Week
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

These are the weekly requests for June 21, 2009:

U.S. Executive Branch Officials
  • For the President as he continues to lead the nation in discussions on issues such as his Friday town hall meeting on the importance of fatherhood.
  • For wise decisions on the part of State Department officials and the President as they deal with the challenges of the Iranian elections and continued protests.
  • For scheduling so the First Family can spend time together.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of Labor, which is tasked with job training, preventing employment discrimination, and enforcing federal job protections. Pray for its 15,000 employees and its Secretary, Hilda Solis.

U.S. Legislative Branch Officials
  • For members of the House as they continue considering appropriations bills, this week for the Department of Homeland Security and Interior, and Defense Authorization legislation.
  • For members of the Senate as they hold continued hearings on health care reform legislation and deal with the impeachment trial of a federal judge.
  • For the staff of the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan panel of experienced policy experts that provide research and information to members of Congress. Pray for wisdom and that they would give wise counsel to those relying on their research.

State Government Officials
  • For Judge Beverly Martin, a federal court judge in the Northern District of Georgia, who was nominated to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday.
  • For the family of Rep. Jerry Keen, the State House Majority Leader, whose mother passed away this last week.
  • For the Department of Community Health, which oversees the Georgia Medicaid program and assists in reaching needy populations with health services. Pray for its employees and Commissioner Dr. Rhonda Meadows.

National Requests
  • For the continued recovery for our national economy, especially those who are searching for jobs.
  • For safety for the people of Iran. The protests have continued in spite of statements by the Ayatollah, and many fear that the militia will crack down soon.

Thought for the Week

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” - Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weekly Prayer Requests

Here are this week's prayer requests.

U.S. Executive Branch Officials

  • For the President as he completes his overseas trip and returns to the U.S. He continued his efforts in the Middle East.
  • For the President’s staff as the work on health care reform legislation begins in earnest. The goal is to have a bill passed by the beginning of August.
  • For the President’s relationship with his wife to stay strong.
  • Cabinet Spotlight: The Department of the Interior, which is tasked with protecting America’s natural resources, including research, conservation, and serving native communities. Pray for the more than 70,000 employees and its Secretary, Ken Salazar.

 U.S. Legislative Branch Officials

  • For members of the House as they finish consideration of the War Supplemental appropriations bill for funding the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • For members of the Senate as they deal with a variety of legislation this week, but continue their focus on the confirmation of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Her committee questionnaire was filed this week.
  • For the Legislative Assistants for members of Congress and Senators. “LAs” have responsibility for review of policy in particular areas. Members of Congress have   2-3, and Senators have 5-10. Pray for them to give wise counsel.

State Government Officials

  • For wisdom for continued cuts to state agency budgets. All agencies found out this week they have to reduce their June budgets by 25% to ensure the overall state budget remains balanced.
  • For the Governor’s Judicial Nominating Commission, a group of lawyers who must interview the 47 applicants who have been nominated for the vacant seat on the Georgia Supreme Court.
  • For the Insurance Commissioner, John Oxendine, whose department regulates all insurance companies in the state. 

National Requests

  • For the wife, children, and grandchildren of Dr. George Tiller, killed last Sunday. Pray also for the pro-life cause.
  • For the continued search for the wreckage of Air France Flight 447, and safety for those involved in the search on the high seas.

Thought for the Week

“Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did.” - C.S. Lewis